Writer’s Block

I think I’m still burned out of all the things I had to do before school finished. I have zero motivation to do any writing. I keep thinking about blogging and will get back here soon.
All is well: school finished (don’t have grades yet), work (two jobs) is ongoing, life’s fairly stable but a little non-noteworthy, oh and I was rear ended 2 weeks ago. I’m still sore but massage is helping to keep that at bay so I can work. Not my fault, so car repairs are covered, not sure if my repairs will be…

3 thoughts on “Writer’s Block

  1. Melanie

    YIKES – rear ended? You doing okay?
    Thinking of you my dear, and missing you. We had such hopes of regular get-togethers with you on campus, but forgot that we each have crazy schedules!

  2. Melanie

    YIKES – rear ended? You doing okay?
    Thinking of you my dear, and missing you. We had such hopes of regular get-togethers with you on campus, but forgot that we each have crazy schedules!

  3. Melanie

    YIKES – rear ended? You doing okay?
    Thinking of you my dear, and missing you. We had such hopes of regular get-togethers with you on campus, but forgot that we each have crazy schedules!

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