I so wish I could blog properly right now. I have no time. The organization of the last few months of this program has been poorly done. We have 4 courses. One is our main clinical course, it’s worth the most credits and is the focus of the program. We also have theoretical courses (ethics, research and relational practice) that have been running since January. Problem is these theoretical courses had us doing almost nothing through these last 6 months. And NOW we have projects all over the place.
I’m a bit stressed. But bootcamp’s been keeping me on an even keel. Mostly. I did have one day of tears this term.
But I so wish I could blog more about some of these things — what it means to be working in a team, my thoughts on working in a psychiatric unit as a nurse later on, and what I’ve been thinking about relating to a weekend where I had 2 dates (with 2 different guys — a first for me!).
All in all it’s been an interesting rotation. There’s one more week of clinical left, one more set of classes and I have due: two papers, a poster, a presentation, a final exam and a reflective journal (for completion not for marks). So on that note I’m going to sign off for now and get back to talking about things a bit more once I’ve finished dealing with all these assignments!

2 thoughts on “No TIME!

  1. Sandy

    Hi again.
    July 26 now.
    Hope the Psych Rotation lived up to or surpassed expectations. This is your ‘break time’ isn’t it? So you can only work two jobs – do take a deep breath and congratulate yourself for the accomplishments of the past year +. How many more months? or is that not to be thought of during a break.
    You have chosen to follow a new road – so very difficult for most of us to do – Great Going!
    I do hope you have a cheering section (family, friends) reminding you how awesome you are . . . add my voice.

  2. Sandy

    Hi again.
    July 26 now.
    Hope the Psych Rotation lived up to or surpassed expectations. This is your ‘break time’ isn’t it? So you can only work two jobs – do take a deep breath and congratulate yourself for the accomplishments of the past year +. How many more months? or is that not to be thought of during a break.
    You have chosen to follow a new road – so very difficult for most of us to do – Great Going!
    I do hope you have a cheering section (family, friends) reminding you how awesome you are . . . add my voice.

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